The 7th Annual Sino – German Biogas Conference
Author:Leely Zhang Published:10/28/2016 Source:
The annual Sino – German Biogas Conference took place from 13 – 14 Oct 2016 in Jinan China. The event is annually joint organized by DLG International and China Biogas Society. The 7th version of the biogas conference was attended by more than 420 participants from both Chinese and German industry.
The Conference opened by Mr. Zhang Fengtong, Director-General of Department of Science & Education, MoA, who addressed the importance of the biogas technology in rural development.
Dr. Meierhofer from BMEL attended the event, and he specially presented policy guidance of biogas development in Germany.
DLG Expert on Energy Decental Dr. Vagt reviewed the German biogas Industry from past 10 years, and perspectives for future as well.
Chinese and German Experts and companies also visited the bio-Energy Expo coinciding with the conference, where 33 companies presented the state-of-art technology from waste collection, fermentation technology, power generation and gas purification, and application of organic fertilizer, etc.
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