Sino-German BioEnergy Annual Conference 2024

Green Gas · Green Economy · Green Development
23-25 October 2024 · Fuyang, Anhui Province
  • 05/30/2024

    China set to publish carbon footprint management plan

    China's Ministry of Ecology and Environment will soon publish a plan to build and implement a unified carbon footprint management system, marking another step forward in the country's green drive....[Full text]
  • 05/29/2024

    China releases 2024-25 energy conservation, carbon reduction action plan

    China's State Council has released an action plan for energy conservation and carbon reduction for 2024-25, aiming to reduce energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by approximately 2.5 percent and 3.9 percent, respectively, in 2024....[Full text]
  • 01/31/2023

    China issues white paper on green development

    China's State Council Information Office Thursday released a white paper titled "China's Green Development in the New Era."...[Full text]
  • 06/24/2021

    China's new 2030 climate targets to peak carbon emissions

    Chinese President Xi Jinping has announced further commitments to cut carbon emissions in a speech at the Climate Ambition Summit last year. The commitments include a decline of carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by over 65 percent from the 2005 level, an increase of the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy as well the forest stock volume and the goal to bring the installed capacity of wind and solar power to over 1.2 billion kilowatts....[Full text]
  • 11/05/2018

    Strong Sino-German BioEnergy Annual Conference reflects increased interest in the Chinese market

    Great German interest in the 5th Sino-German BioEnergy Annual Conference - 450 participants - 36 German and Chinese exhibitors...[Full text]
  • 11/10/2016

    Sino-German BioEnergy Annual Conference in Jinan/Shandong Province

    Prominent support at the 3rd Sino-German BioEnergy Annual Conference – 420 participants in total - 34 German and Chinese exhibitors ...[Full text]
  • 10/28/2016

    The 7th Annual Sino – German Biogas Conference

    The annual Sino – German Biogas Conference took place from 13 – 14 Oct 2016 in Jinan China. The event is annually joint organized by DLG International and China Biogas Society. The 7th version of the biogas conference was attended by more than 420 participants from both Chinese and German industry. ...[Full text]
  • 08/05/2016

    Dual approach to expand the Chinese biogas sector

    The Sino-German BioEnergy Annual Conference in Jinan Province Shandong (China) on 13-14 October expects to welcome more than 500 experts and 40 trade exhibitors - German-Chinese Agricultural Center (DCZ) at work - Prototype biogas plant project for consultation and export promotion...[Full text]
  • 02/24/2016

    The Transformation and Upgrading of The Countryside's Biogas Development

    Accordingto the information on the website of the National Development and Reform Commission(NDRC), up to February 19th, the number of the families using biogasin China had reached 43 million, benefiting a population of more than 150million, announced by the NDRC today....[Full text]
  • 09/01/2015

    Hebei to Increase Access to Biogas in Rural Areas with Help from World Bank

    About 96,100 rural households in China’s Hebei Province will gain access to clean, easy-to-use biogas for cooking, with help from a $71.5 million loan approved by the World Bank Group’s Board of Executive Directors....[Full text]
  • 07/16/2015

    Steady Progress Has Been Made in Sino-German Bioenergy Cooperation

    China is continuously developing its bilateral cooperation in the field of biogas. In March 2015 the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) and the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) opened the joint Sino-German Agricultural Centre (DCZ) in Beijing, aiming to support all agricultural related cooperation activities between the two countries. Biogas as cross-cutting technology through the agricultural production chain will also be supported. Under this cooperation, the ongoing biogas cooperation of both ministries will be continued. ...[Full text]
  • 07/06/2015

    China Promises More Climate Efforts

    The biggest energy consumer China promises more climate efforts. But not only countries are involved into the fight against CO2 emissions - a conference in Lyon will involve also cities and regions....[Full text]
  • 06/30/2015

    2015 Sino-German BioEnergy Annual Conference: Strong International Participation

    The 2015 Sino-German BioEnergy Annual Conference will take place from 15-16 December in Guangzhou, which is one of the most important trading center of China. DLG and China Biogas Society (CBS) will holding the conference in cooperation with Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences (GIEC)....[Full text]
  • 06/25/2015

    China Carbon Market Review

    Almost all pilot carbon markets saw record-setting trading in March. Huge volumes were traded amidst volatile prices. The reason for this frantic run to the exchange by traders and covered entities was the announcement of compliance timelines by various regulatory bodies. ...[Full text]
  • 11/03/2014

    Sino-German BioEnergy Annual Conference in China

    DLG International organizes conference on bioenergy in cooperation with China Biogas Society and Northwest A&F University....[Full text]
  • 04/17/2014

    2014 Sino-German BioEnergy Conference & Fair opening in Xi'an

    DLG (German Agricultural Society), CBS(China Biogas Society) and Northwest A&F University will jointly hold the 2014 Sino-German BioEnergy Conference & Fair from 15 - 17 Oct in Xi'an city in the west of China....[Full text]
  • 04/17/2014

    China's Biomass Energy

    China leads the world in its energy reservation and is the second largest energy producer and consumer in the world. It is estimated that China has 4000 billion tons of potential primary energy reservation. However, per capita energy resource quantity and consuming quantity is far smaller than the world average level. The main characteristics of China’s energy exploration and utilization are as follows....[Full text]
  • 04/17/2014

    Analysis of China's Renewable Energy Development

    At present, the development of renewable energy relies mainly on government support. The government invests in a considerable number of projects to improve public welfare and to assist in poverty relief. ...[Full text]
  • 04/17/2014

    China's Renewable Energy Law

    In order to promote the development and utilization of renewable energy, improve the energy structure, diversify energy supplies, safeguard energy security, protect the environment, and realize the sustainable development of the economy and society, this Law is hereby prepared. ...[Full text]